Increased growth makes Internet tech firms relocate

Sarah Fanous-Samaan - Tampa Bay Business Journal
From the April 28, 2000 print edition

Two women-run Internet technology companies in the Tampa Bay area have moved to bigger and better office space.

IBIS Business Internet Solutions Inc. has relocated to larger facilities to accommodate continued growth. IBIS has moved into a 6,800-square-foot facility at 2005 E. Fowler Ave. in Tampa, midway between interstates 75 and 275.

The new telephone number is (813) 910-0275. The fax number is now (813) 910-2424.

The new facility offers three times more space, said Primrose Demirdjian, president.

The company started in the garage of co-owners Primrose and Paul Demirdjian's north Tampa home and relocated twice since its inception in 1996.

The facility houses a dedicated data room, executive, sales and marketing personnel, site design engineers and cold fusion programmers dedicated to IBIS's epowersuite product.

K.Tek Systems Inc. moved from Palm Harbor into new headquarters in Clearwater. The Internet technology firm expanded to Ameri-Life Towers at 2536 Countryside Blvd., Second floor.

The telephone numbers is (727) 726-1700. The fax number is (727) 726-1744.

Kimberly During, president and chief executive officer, said the company outgrew its former building.

New store

Out of the Closet Thrift Stores Inc. this month is opening a nonprofit 501(c)(3) thrift store in downtown St. Petersburg at 631 Fourth St. N. Proceeds benefit pediatric AIDS and breast cancer patients in the Tampa Bay area.

The store is seeking corporate donations, clothing and household items. It is the first of many stores planned. Others soon will open in South Tampa and Orlando. For information, call Casie Pritchard at (727) 502-0555.

New service

Altimax Print Innovations is offering one-stop online ordering and reordering on its Web site Altimax is a full-service printing division of Teasdale Enterprises of Arts and Media in Tampa.

Contract awards

SSA Foodservice Consultants in Pinellas Park has been retained by Schenkel Shultz Architecture to provide food-service design for Osceola County's Central Avenue Elementary School. The company also was retained by Durest Dining/Compass Group to provide food-service designs for RP Scherer Corp. in St. Petersburg.

The Heart & Vascular Center of Florida has selected Smith & Associates in Bradenton as its advertising agency of record. The agency has developed a new identity system and launched a multimedia advertising campaign for the practice.

The Heart & Vascular Center of Florida, formerly the Heart Center of Sarasota, recently changed its name to reflect its expansion of medical services and facilities.

Horizon Marketing Group Inc., an integrated marketing and technology provider in Tampa, has won several contracts.

Horizon is designing and developing an online presence for Kanes Furniture in Pinellas Park and a Web site for Ivan's Corp. in Tampa. Tampa Bay Partnership has contracted for the design and development of an interactive brochure, and in Tampa has selected the firm for a viral-marketing campaign.

Link2Gov in Fort Lauderdale is having Horizon design and develop a vertical portal or e-marketplace. The Pasco County Economic Development Council in Land O'Lakes chose Horizon to design a brochure highlighting the benefits of relocation to the county.

Grimail Crawford Inc., a planning and engineering firm based in Tampa, was selected by the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority to develop guidelines and procedures for use in the preparation and review of traffic impact studies for large-scale land development projects. Mechanik Nuccio Bentley Williams and Hearne, a Tampa law firm, provides legal counsel to the project team.

Is your business or organization starting up, expanding, relocating or offering new products or services? Send your news to Marketplace, c/o Sarah Fanous-Samaan, 4350 W. Cypress St., Suite 400, Tampa 33607; telephone: (813) 342-2471; fax: (813) 873-0219; e-mail:

Copyright 2000 American City Business Journals Inc.

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